A favorite thing about when I get to travel from my home in Atlanta to San Francisco is working on VenturaVie’s partnership with Zinc House Farm. I have blogged about how great it is to see the curiosity and fascination in the children while they are picking flowers and tasting different vegetables they learn about and harvest for themselves in the most wonderful organic garden.

So what was different on this occasion? BABY DUCKS AND ROOSTERS!
Watching the wonderment in the children when they could be up close to the ducklings was one of those rare, pure moments of joy. Of course, who am I kidding, I was in love with those baby ducks too!

The children also got to build an actual shelter for the many new roosters on the farm. Helping these kids who didn’t know each other before that day, work together and help each other gave me hope for the future. As they were leaving the farm we heard them saying “I built a rooster house”!
The second part of my trip is usually spent in V Boutique helping with any events at the shop, creating content, and unpacking and getting out new arrivals. The shop is always a special place to visit and volunteer as it not only provides a fun shopping experience for a good cause, it also is a place to step into community with each other. Some customers drop in, and browse, while others come in and stay for a while.

A V Boutique SF Story
My own daughter is away at college now so her and my time together is limited and sacred. It was such fun to provide a true, small boutique experience for a mother and her college-age daughter sharing their sacred time together. They were in the shop for an hour! I know they will never forget the lovely experience of being in a place where there is no negative self-talk and all are welcomed and beautifully accepted. The mom looked at me as they left with shopping bags full, with the most heartfelt “thank-you”. Getting to be a part of someone's special memory is so rewarding!
VenturaVie’s partnerships and programs range from large to small. Sometimes though for me, it’s seeing those small moments within the community that are the most rewarding and where I believe the most important, long-term impact will be seen.
VenturaVie - Placing Positivity in the World!
**** Another way to give is to list VenturaVie as your charity on AmazonSmile. Every time you shop through AmazonSmile, Amazon donates to your charity. Every penny counts and is appreciated!
